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for Dogs Who Are Reactive On-Leash . . . .
Does your dog bark, growl, lunge or just lose control at other dogs or people
when out for an on-leash walk?
Learn games and exercises to redirect your dog

Using some of the principles from Behavior Adjustment Training, as well as heeling exercises, people practice having their dogs behave calmly in a situation where they would usually be reactive.  The dog is rewarded with small, high-value food treats. We work far enough away from the "decoy" dog to give your dog the chance to choose to be calm and work with you instead of being reactive.

Usually your dog barks & growls at another dog or person to make them go away, and it works because you DO leave the area!  Working opposite another dog/handler team at a distance great enough so that your dog will not be reactive, which is called working “under threshold”, your dog gets to practice approaching another dog and person and offering “calming signals” instead of erupting into a barking frenzy.

Goal:  To have your dog behave calmly on-leash in the presence of other dogs and people.

Call 207-642-3693
The Fun Way to Optimize Owner/Pet Relationships!

Raising Canine Maine
Mallory Hattie, CPDT-KA
Phone: 207-642-3693